Lobby Disturbance
18 x 25 x 20 inches, repurposed linen napkins, china, metal tray, and tea canisters, wool-cashmere, wool-alpaca and linen yarns, silk paper, mulberry paper, world currency, snail shells, rigid foam, canvas, wood, stone clay, acrylic paint, wire, felted wool, beads, thread
In a luxurious setting at a fancy lunch, two laughing gulls stand in for a lobbyist and a legislator. The birds’ bodies are made of materials evoking power suits: white linen, black silk, wool-cashmere jackets. Around them are accoutrements of power and wealth, as they dine on fancy food. Their behavior upsets all sense of decorum. Broken china, spilled food, screeching calls, and an envelope of money belie their respectable dress.
Lobby Disturbance received the third place award at Nor’Easter: The 53rd Annual Juried Members Exhibition at the New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain CT.
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Artwork and image ©2023 Eve Jacobs-Carnahan
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