Feed the Birds
10 x 11 x 7 inches, handspun yarn, mulberry paper, waxed linen, grapevine, broken fork, beads, rigid foam, gel medium, metal objects
This fanciful blue-winged bird has alighted on a pile of sticks to feed on some seeds and fruit nuggets. Oh, no, those aren't seeds! There are scraps of metal in that dish. A broken fork, symbolizing the intersection of human food production and bird habitats, juts out from the plants material. Is that why the bird has been infected by a metal tail and beak? The juxtaposition of soft fluffy yarn-feathers and hard metal edges disrupts an otherwise harmonious scene of a bird at the feeder.e sure to hand it at eye level so you can check on what the bird is eating. Comes ready to hang on a nail on your wall.
© 2018 Eve Jacobs-Carnahan
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