Eve Jacobs-Carnahan. “First Person: Environmental Activism through Knitting,” Surface Design. Summer 2023.
Kim Velk, Esq. “Pursuits of Happiness: Eve Jacobs-Carnahan, Attorney –> Artist,” Vermont Bar Journal. Winter 2023.
Mary Williams Engisch. “Knit, Purl… Vote? Montpelier Artist Stitches Democracy into Knitting Circles,” Vermont Public Radio. Oct. 10, 2022.
Dominic Minadeo. “Civic stitching: A Vermont artist teaches democracy with knitting needles.” VtDigger, Sept. 11, 2022
ArtBiz podcast interview with Eve Jacobs-Carnahan
May 12, 2022
The Art Biz ep. 121: Guaranteeing an Effective Project with Eve Jacobs-Carnahan
WDEV radio interview October 2021, WDEV’s Vermont Viewpoint with Ric Cengeri
Click image to download and advance to minute 44:15
Eve Jacobs-Carnahan, “Knit Democracy Together Project,” Surface Design Association blog, Nov. 20, 2020
ArtBiz podcast interview with Eve Jacobs-Carnahan
Oct. 29, 2020
The Art Biz ep. 64: Knit Democracy Together with Eve Jacobs-Carnahan
Amy Lilly. “Art Review: ‘20/20 Hindsight’ at the Kent Museum,” Seven Days, Oct. 7, 2020

Crain, Victoria. ‘Surface Expressions’: Explorations in fiber art. Rutland Herald/Barre-Montpelier Times Argus, 17 November 2016.
Flagg, Kathryn. “Knit Wits: From sweaters to sculptures, Vermont knitters have fun with fiber.” Seven Days, 28 November 2012.