Eve Jacobs-Carnahan
Knitted sculpture for the socially conscious

New Work
My newest work places birds in a story of confinement, struggle, and redemption.
Blog Posts
Using Color to Reinforce Concepts in Artwork
I have just completed Are we free now? the third work in the sequence of sculptures I’m calling Eternal Vigilance. It is the most brightly colored of the works so far. I’ve been looking for colors that reinforce the concepts underlying the work.
The Circuitous Path from Family Letter to Artwork
People often ask me how I come up with the ideas for my artwork. The path is never a straight line. My piece We didn’t recognize the danger is a good example. It has its origins in a letter I uncovered in some family papers.
Combining Metal Work with Fiber Art in Unexpected Ways
To me, being a feminist teenager in the 1970’s meant not conforming to gender stereotypes. While I loved knitting and other textile-based crafts (and still do), I rebelled against the assumption that girls would take home economics (sewing, cooking) and boys would take woodshop and mechanics classes in school. So, in my senior year of high school, I elected to take small engine tech.
Knit Democracy Together
Learn about my public art project to demystify the electoral process. I’m engaging civically minded crafters in making a knitted state capitol while they deepen their understanding of democracy.